World meat industry news

Germany and Spain Leading EU Pork Exporters

  • 31 Mar 12:59

Traditionally, Denmark has been the leading EU exporter of pork to third country markets. However, in 2015 it was overtaken by both Germany and Spain. All three countries shipped over 300,000 tonnes of pork outside the EU during the year, accounting for 60 per cent of EU pork exports between them, up from just over half two years before. Germany and Spain recorded increases in non-EU sales of 23 per cent and 30 per cent respectively during the year, while Danish exports rose by just 4 per cent; overall EU exports were up 11 per cent. Third country markets accounted for nearly 30 per cent of Spanish and Danish exports but only 20 per cent for Germany. Overall,. Read more...

EU Pig Prices: Price Increase Continues

  • 30 Mar 09:49

The European pig slaughter market was able to continue the friendly trend. The majority of quotations went up again because of the good demand situation before Easter. The marching course was once again determined by Germany with its plus 4 cents. The Dutch and Belgian quotations followed suit and at almost the same height. In Denmark as well, where the price had stayed the same (1.282 €) over the past three weeks, the prices most recently went up by a corrected 4.2 cents, adding up to 1.324 €. This way, Denmark is again leading the ranking of the five countries most significant in European pig keeping and relegating France, Spain, Germany and the Netherlands. Read more...

Red Meat Consumption Rises as Beef Prices Drop in U.S.

  • 30 Mar 09:48

Where's the beef? On dining tables across America,according to Bloomberg. Americans are on track to eat more red meat this year than in the pervious 12 months for the first time since 2006,with theU.S. Department of Agriculture estimatingpeople will consume 54.3 pounds of beef in 2016. A combination of cheaper beef prices and a larger inventory of cattle across the country fueled a push towards increased beef consumption, with the USDA noting current cattle counts at a five-year high. With beef at a lower price point, some restaurants have added new deals to promote beef-based menu items. Wendy's is offering a 4 for $4 deal, which includes a Jr.. Read more...

The power of meat labels and marketing

  • 29 Mar 08:22

We all have bought meat products of some kind from a grocery store or local butcher. However, were you aware of all the statements and logos on that package and what they meant in terms of their impact on the dollar value of the product you purchased? During the March 2nd Animal Care Wednesday Webinar, Dr. Bryon Wiegand, a Professor and Meat Science Extension Specialist at the University of Missouri, discussed the value of meat products and their label claims. He used beef as his example, but the same principles can apply to any of the other species, including pork, lamb, and poultry. Adding value With any livestock species, when live animal prices go down, there is. Read more...

USA Hog Market

  • 29 Mar 08:20

This seems to be shaping up as a very traditional pricing year, as something always seems to short the pig supply in the 2nd quarter, writes Allan Bentley, Sales & Service. The semen extender issue that we have all heard about but not much has been reported on should at least be part of the issue at that time. I believe most of that extender was off the market by November 1, 2015. That math adds up to shorter numbers of pigs coming soon. We should see some $80 plus base bids. Watch the next few months and study the actual basis. If the basis is at zero, the futures are going to fight the move higher. If that happens, fine, then sell those cash hogs. What. Read more...

Chinese firm announces meat expansion in Kazakhstan

  • 28 Mar 11:23

Chinese firm Rifa Holding Group plans to pump $200m into the production of beef, lamb and meat processing in several regions of Kazakhstan between. Read more...

Will a softer dollar boost ag exports?

  • 28 Mar 11:22

A sliding U.S. dollar could boost corn and soybean exports, but wheat remains under pressure from foreign competitors with weaker currencies, according to analysts. Last week, the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank said it would leave interest rates unchanged, and that it would seek an interest rate hike of only 2% in 2016. The move weakened the dollar, raising hopes that it could hike agricultural exports. “It has been a plus for price action in corn and beans. We’ve seen some good numbers; wheat lagged behind,” said Ted Seifried of Zaner Ag Hedge in Chicago. “Anything should help wheat,” he added. “The biggest impact, because it. Read more...

US 'won't reopen imminently' to Brazil beef, says Rabobank

  • 25 Mar 08:38

The US looks unlikely to reopen imminently to Brazilian fresh beef exports, Rabobank said – boding well for shipments from rival origins, and prospects for Australian cattle prices to remain close to record highs. "Authorities" in Brazil believe the country will win renewed access to the US for its fresh beef exports "in the first half of the year", Rabobank said. However, "US sources believe that access will not be granted until the second half of the year," a delay which would give extra scope for Australian shipments to what has been its biggest market since 2014. Australia's beef industry is particularly sensitive to. Read more...

Cuba - a ‘window of opportunity’ for EU pork

  • 25 Mar 08:37

Cuba has opened its market to a range of US food imports and the Spanish-speaking country has been tipped to be an unlikely saviour of Europe’s beleaguered pork sector, according to the European Meat and. Read more...

Russian retailers call for legalisation of up to 1% foreign DNA in meats

  • 24 Mar 09:56

Russia’s Association of Retail Trade Companies has appealed to the government to legalise the content of foreign DNA in meat products at a level not higher than 1%, according to a spokesperson from. Read more...