World meat industry news

Argentinian beef exports to China soar in 2015

  • 10 Mar 10:35

Last year Argentina exported less beef onto the global market than in 2014 but, despite this, trade to China still soared. Argentine beef exports are closely monitored by the government which provides export permits for each shipment. In 2014 Chile was the number one market for Argentine beef, in volume terms, followed by Russia and the EU. All three markets showed some economic problems last year, including currency devaluations, which meant that beef exports shifted towards China. Consequently, China became the largest importer of Argentine beef last year as shipments almost doubled on the year earlier. Chile remained the second destination for Argentine beef,. Read more...

Sheep and beef production set to rise in EU

  • 9 Mar 11:11

Bothsheepmeat and beef production are anticipated to rise year-on-year during 2016. Calf registrations during 2015 were 3 per cent higher than the previous year Sheep output is forecast to increase by 4 per cent, with the sharpest rise expected to happen towards the end of the year attributed to higher mutton production, according to Hybu Cig Cymru (HCC) -Meat Promotion Wales Market Bulletin. As far as beef is concerned British Cattle Movement Service data is suggesting calf registrations during 2015 were 3 per cent higher than the previous year. Prospects for 2016’s lamb crop look reasonable with numbers expected to increase by 1 per cent on the. Read more...

Beef consumption must be cut dramatically to control climate change

  • 9 Mar 11:09

European scientists want consumers to stop eating so much beef and dairy, saying the methane and nitrous oxide being emitted is to blame for global warming. In a recent paper, researchers from Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden assert that cutting beef consumption by 50% would help the European Union reach its target of limiting global climate change to 2°C by 2050. An analysis was performed to determine what sectors of agriculture play a role in greenhouse gas emissions and if any changes could be made to slowdown global warming. According to the study, beef production accounts for 36% of greenhouse gas emissions and 48% of emissions for both. Read more...

Global Food Prices Steady in February

  • 4 Mar 11:30

The FAO Food Price Index was stable in February, as falling sugar and dairy prices offset a substantial jump in vegetable oil prices from the previous month. Averaging 150.2 points for the month, the FAO Food Price Index was virtually unchanged from a revised 150.0 points in January and down 14.5 per cent from a year ago. FAO also issued its first forecast for the world's 2016 wheat harvest, projecting 723 million tonnes of total production, about 10 million tonnes below last year's record output. The FAO Food Price Index is a trade-weighted index tracking international market prices for five key commodity groups: major cereals, vegetable oils,. Read more...

EU sheep meat sector up for future challenges?

  • 4 Mar 11:29

Following the initiative of Phil Hogan, European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, a forum has been established with the aim “of exploring current and future challenges of the EU sheep meat sector”. The forum, organised by the European Commission, is bringing together stakeholders from member states involved in the sheep sector. This includes representatives of producers, processors and traders, including national and EU associations. National Governments, the European Commission and other official bodies, including AHDB, HCC and QMS, are also represented. It consists of three workshops with presentations by experts in their fields. Read more...

Minced beef prices drop

  • 3 Mar 12:31

Research from comparison website has revealed that grocery prices have fallen to their lowest level in more than a year, with minced beef dropping 2.77%. According to the research the cost of a basket of 35 popular products cost £84.83 in February, the lowest recorded price since the mySupermarket Groceries Tracker was launched in late 2014. mySupermarket’s Groceries Tracker monitors the cost of the same 35 most commonly bought grocery products on a monthly basis. When compared to a year ago, the same basket of goods in February 2016 was 4% lower, a saving of £3.76 per shop. Some products dropped in price by almost 14%. Read more...

Why Beef Prices Will Keep Getting Cheaper in 2016

  • 3 Mar 12:30

Beef lovers, your time of suffering—and paying through the nose for burgers, steaks, and roasts—appears to be coming to an end. Beef prices, which have beenincreasing for years, recently hitting rates high enough to inspire outbreaks ofsteak thefts at supermarketsand even the return ofcattle rustling, are finally coming down to earth. According to theBureau of Labor Statistics, consumer prices for most beef products dropped 2% from December 2015 to January 2016, and year-over-year prices for ground beef, chuck roast, and most cuts of steak are down 6% to 11%. It’s quite a turnaround, given that beef prices have beenclimbing steadily since 2010.. Read more...

Three EU countries now cleared to export beef to the US

  • 2 Mar 10:47

The Netherlands has beencleared to export beefto the US market, making it the third EU country after Ireland and Lithuania to gain access.The US market closed to EU beef imports after the BSE outbreak in the 1990s. EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Vytenis Andriukaitis, said that he welcomed the move as a sign of recognition for the EU’s comprehensive andeffective measures to eradicate BSEin Europe. “I hope the US will now act expeditiously to extend the approval to all imports from the EU and I call on the remaining EU partners who still maintain restrictive measures to fully adopt recognised international standards. The EU Commissioner. Read more...

Asian demand for chilled meat to grow

  • 2 Mar 10:46

Asian demand for chilled meat processed under Australian hygiene standards could eclipse live exports within decades, a leading agribusiness analyst says. John Corbett, of Hassad Australia, says wealthier Asian consumers will increasingly demand quality meat processed under strict food safety standards in Australia instead of at abattoirs at home where concerns over water contamination are rife. "So they have absolute clarities around where it's sourced from and that it has absolutely no contamination issues," he told the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Research Economics and Sciences conference in Canberra. The live export industry would evolve. Read more...

Atria loses position in Russian market

  • 1 Mar 11:01

Finnish meat processor Atria has attributed a drop of sales by 23.9% to EUR 75.1 million to significant difficulties. Read more...