World meat industry news

China plans to buy reindeer from Russia

  • 13 Jun 11:26

China has expressed interest in importing live reindeer from Russia. This issue was discussed at the 12th meeting of the Russian-Chinese permanent working group on cooperation in the field of veterinary supervision, phytosanitary control and food safety, Agroexpert reports, citing a source familiar with the progress of the negotiations. Rosselkhoznadzor promised to provide its Chinese colleagues with all the necessary information to assess the risk of supplying these farm animals to the Chinese market by the end of this month. In turn, the Chinese side, according to the source, promised to promptly provide feedback on this issue. Previously, our country has. Read more...

Russia offered the BRICS countries a platform for payments

  • 13 Jun 11:26

For settlements with BRICS partner countries, Russia proposes to use the BRICS Bridge platform. Finance Minister Anton Siluanov told Vedomosti about this. It is planned that the mechanism will work like this: Central banks issue digital financial assets (DFAs), which are similar to tokens. Their cost is tied to the national currency (one of the options). Companies use this infrastructure as an alternative payment method. Siluanov emphasized that the platform will not become a single settlement instrument for the BRICS countries, but will simplify the procedure for making payments. The project is under development. Implementation dates have. Read more...

Philippines and Russia: new cooperation in agriculture

  • 13 Jun 11:25

Against the backdrop of strengthening diplomatic relations between the Philippines and Russia, the Philippine Ambassador to Russia, Igor Bailen, announced his country's desire to buy meat from Russia and supply seafood in the opposite direction. This move opens up a new perspective for the development of trade and agriculture between the two countries. Russia, with its vast territory, is truly a leader in agriculture. Its potential in producing quality meat is attracting the attention of not only the Philippines but also other countries around the world. The Philippines, in turn, specializes in seafood and is ready to offer its products on the Russian. Read more...

SPIEF: what other enterprises will appear in the Russian agro-industrial complex thanks to the forum

  • 11 Jun 11:32

The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) has ended; it has become very fruitful for the Russian agro-industrial complex: thanks to the signed agreements, serious projects have been launched.Earlier, the Agroanalytics Center already reported on the first results of the forum for agriculture.Let's talk about several more large-scale investment projects. The Egg-Land company (part of the Tavros Group of Companies) plans to build a complex for the production and processing of chicken eggs with a capacity of 2 billion pieces in the Nizhny Novgorod region in 2024– year. The total investment in the project will exceed RUB 27. Read more...

China to invest over 2.5 billion rubles in a meat processing enterprise in Kalmykia

  • 11 Jun 11:31

The Xiang Mahan company from China, which built an enterprise in Elista for the deep processing of meat and meat products worth over 1.5 billion rubles, intends to additionally invest 1 billion rubles in the project to increase production volumes. The head of the region, Batu Khasikov, reported this to TASS on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF). “Our republic occupies a leading position in the number of small and large livestock in Russia, so the choice of Kalmykia as an investor is logical. Together with Chinese partners, we are completing the Xiang Makhan investment project for the deep processing of meat and meat products.. Read more...

Russian meat market: trends and prospects

  • 11 Jun 11:30

Russia continues to strengthen its position in the global production of meat products. Recently at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF-2024) it was announced that our country ranks fourth in the world in terms of meat production. Russia produced about 16 million tons of meat from large and small ruminants, pork and poultry last year, which exceeded 11 million tons in slaughter weight. It is interesting to note that domestic meat consumption continues to rise, reaching a record 80 kilograms per person per year. This figure exceeds the world average by 37 kilograms. It is predicted that this year meat consumption will increase to 83 kilograms per. Read more...

Iran, Vietnam and Thailand are ready to supply chicken eggs to Russia

  • 10 Jun 11:16

Rosselkhoznadzor has received requests for supplies of chicken eggs from Iran, Vietnam and Thailand. According to the head of the department, Sergei Dankvert, the process of admitting new exporters to the domestic market is not proceeding too quickly. He clarified that as of Thursday, June 6, Russia imported 400 million food eggs duty-free. 300 million came from Belarus, 100 million from Azerbaijan and Turkey. Azerbaijani egg suppliers gained access to the Russian market in November 2023. Since December 29, six Turkish companies have received permission to export. Last year, chicken eggs in Russia rose in price by 61.35% - to 132.45 rubles per dozen. In this regard, the. Read more...

Russia ranks 4th in the global meat production - Putin

  • 10 Jun 11:15

Today, Russia ranks fourth in the world in the production of meat products. According to Interfax, the country's President Vladimir Putin presented such data during his speech at the plenary session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF-2024). The head of state did not announce specific figures. Over the past year, according to Rosstat and some analysts, our country produced 16 million tons of meat from large and small livestock, as well as pork and poultry. In slaughter weight this is just over 11 million. This year, according to plans, the figure should increase by another two to three percent. The President also drew attention to the fact that. Read more...

A key panel session on global food security took place as part of SPIEF 2024

  • 10 Jun 11:14

With the support of the Russian Association of Fertilizer Manufacturers (RAPU), the key panel session of SPIEF 2024 “The Role of the BRICS States in Ensuring Global Food Security” was held. The moderator of the discussion, Director of the Institute of African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Irina Abramova, pointed out the urgency of the problem of ensuring global food security in the modern world. According to the UN, 2 billion people in the world will be undernourished in 2023. Of these, 282 million were in hunger—almost all of them in the Global South. EC General Director Veronika Nikishina listed Russia's three main tasks in the. Read more...

Russia has adapted to the departure of foreign manufacturers of veterinary drugs

  • 7 Jun 11:15

The Russian market has fully adapted to the departure of foreign manufacturers of veterinary drugs. The head of Rosselkhoznadzor Sergei Dankvert said this in an interview with NTV channel within the framework of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF-2024). The head of the department said that domestic specialized enterprises are already increasing production three to four times. According to him, they “finally realized that they need to develop their own.” He noted that Russian manufacturers were able to increase production in just a year. Dankvert expects this figure to increase by the end of the year. Earlier, the department reported that. Read more...